
Videocast: Solving a Network Deployment Challenge using Inno Setup

One common approach to deploying Visual FoxPro apps in a multi-user environment is for the application’s executable file and data to reside on a file server. That way, each workstation only needs the VFP runtime files and a shortcut to the EXE.

Installation is simple, generally using either two separate installers or one dual-purpose installer. But in either case, there’s a catch when it comes to running the workstation-only installer: What if, due to different drive mappings, the drive and path to the EXE varies from workstation to workstation? How do you build an installer that can create a desktop shortcut to an EXE it’s not installing and whose location it doesn’t even know?

This videocast shows you one way to do this using Inno Setup. It’s available on the FoxPro Developers page of my website at http://www.ita-software.com/foxpage.aspx#videocasts.

My thanks to Phil Sherwood for posing the question that prodded me to come up with this solution.

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Inno Setup